
A Royal Style Talk...

Let’s have a Royal talk! You probably know by now that the Royal baby is a boy. The child hasn't been named yet but we'll hear about that soon...and every little boy born after the #royalbaby will be named like him. Hah! You know it's the truth. Lets just wait and continue the talk about Kate Middleton's dress. We all love Kate's style and today, she wore a blue polka dot dress to introduce the Royal Baby. Some say it's an ode to Princess Diana who had a similar outfit when Prince William was presented to the world. I think she looked adorable and even though her baby belly is still there, every women would love to look as radiant as Kate when heading home from the hospital.

I thought we might want to wear blue dresses to work, weekend or to introduce our own royal baby to the world so, I picked out 3 styles to love.

Did you wear a special outfit when heading out of the hospital? I have no experience in the area so would love to hear your thoughts. Also, don't forget to mention your favorite dress in a comment. Cheers!

1. J.Crew - 2. Bloomingdales - 3. Piperlime

Kate, William and the #royalbaby.  Screenshot from a video on this TIME article.

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