
Judging books by covers...

People say don't judge a book by it's cover, meaning that content is what's important. I agree. What I don't agree on is that as a designer and visual person that I am, I'll be choosing a book with a bland cover from the bookstore shelves.

Most of the books I read are on my Kindle, but I still visit Barnes and Nobles at least once a month and wonder around thinking about what I'll be reading next. A well designed book cover will definitely be picked up by my hands and even if it isn't added to my reading list, it accomplished the designers goal.

Last year I read many novels-including the Hunger Games and the Grey series (Wink, wink) and what made me read them was definitely the buzz that every women I know was already reading the book. That's a proof that content is key but I also want to make the point that content could be discovered by an awesome cover.

One of my goals for this year is to read 12 books and below are some book covers I liked and made the books part of my reading list. Enjoy and feel free to share what you are currently reading in a comment below. Also, please share your thoughts on the books below if you have already read them.


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